
Universities and other academic institutions all over the world, especially in advanced countries, focus on scientific research such that it has become, for decades, the very first task of their academic existence in the sense of scientific, industrial and economic progress and advancement within a very competitive environment.  The pride of a quality university lies with its leading edge in scientific research; number of its graduated scientists that join research teams in the industry, number of its innovations and scientific breakthroughs, number of its first-rate publications in high impact scientific journals. Without a real scientific research program and achievement, universities tend to be not more than a boring extension to the secondary school. Thus is the necessity and significance of establishing of a scientific research centre within Soran University structure. The Scientific Research Centre of Soran University will lead scientific research in Kurdistan in two major but separate fields: i.e. Applied and Humanistic Sciences.               


Applied sciences are at the core of any real research program within a faculty of sciences, such that Geology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics disciplines, either separately or collectively, are harmoniously intertwined in research projects that necessitate collective collaboration. This way, the most needed interdisciplinary research activity is created. Certain research fields and specializations are offer by the virtue of their nature to creating such an interdisciplinary collaboration by integrating the above disciplines into a comprehensive interdisciplinary one, namely Petroleum Geosciences.

Petroleum Geosciences is chosen to be the core of the applied sciences research program not because of its high interdisciplinary character that actively and in-depth employs the disciplines of Geology, biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics but also because is rightly justified by its enormous scientific and economic necessity to Kurdistan, to fill an existent gap in Kurdistan’s young and growing petroleum industry. To complete the picture, this interdisciplinary research target is not limited to Petroleum Geo sciences but rightly extends to include research fields such as Environment, Ecology, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Paleoclimatology, Mathematical Modelling and GIS in addition to a new field of research in Biometrics. These latter are hot research topics in almost all leading world universities.


The Scientific Research Centre at Soran University has a unique role derived from and set by its foreseen position as a pioneer establishment that is set to perform and lead by example an internationally recognised level of scientific research in Kurdistan. The goals of this highly set ambition will be reflected in:


1.       Serving the community

2.       Lead scientific research in applied and humanistic sciences in Kurdistan

3.       Produce quality internationally peer-reviewed scientific publications

4.       Promote scientific research ethics

5.       Concretise postgraduate research projects through the Centre

6.       Create a base of young scientists 

7.       Establish international level of scientific collaboration and exchange of expertise

8.       Produce and lead industry-wise research projects, especially in petroleum studies